Tuesday, February 19, 2019

tempting fate...

Am going to try the shortrowed dart, in pattern, down the middle of the front of this sweater – I can hear you, ‘are you crazy, MAO?’  Well, my theory is, the stitch pattern is 20 rows so if I make the gore over 20 rows, I should be back at the same row of the pattern when I get everything back to work and those every-other-stockinette rows between will help hide the change. I’m going to work it to begin at the under bust area, down to the hem, which will hopefully diminish the impact…the original instructions from Side Steps are as follows:
Shortrowed dart: Carriage at hem side. Turn off row counter. Bring all ns to hold. Set to hold. At carriage side, return 15 ns to UWP, KWK, 4X. Carriage again at hem side. At side opposite, hold 15 ns, KWK, 3X. When carriage is back at hemline, cancel hold, turn on row counter or reset to what it was and continue. This is adding 14 rows for each dart at hip. When carriage is back at hemline, cancel hold, reset row counter and continue.
My change is:
Carriage at hem side.  RC060. Turn off KR11/shaping device. Set to hold. Bring all ns except 15 at carriage side to hold. KWK.  At carriage side, return 15 ns to UWP (fork them back to B so pattern will be read if necessary – I don’t have to because this is the plain row, so it doesn’t matter), KWK, 4X (that’s 5X in all). RC070. Carriage again at hem side. At side opposite, hold 12 ns, KWK, 4X. When carriage is back at hemline, cancel hold, turn on KR11 (cancel hold) and fork all sts back to B position. K1R. RC079. Reset RC060 and continue. This is adding 20 rows for each dart at hip. When carriage is back at hemline, cancel hold, reset row counter and continue.
Make sure when you’re shortrowing with tuck patterning that you don’t have a tuck on the last held needle (the one you will wrap). Knit it through manually before holding the needle or it could cause an extra bump that may show up. Also make sure the first needle after the wrap knits off too!
Feeling so self-righteous!

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