Thursday, March 7, 2019

note to self...

armhole wrong side facing
Stripes may not look so great with the outside seaming!
Left Front is done and with this outside seaming, you can just leave the shaped shoulder right there and take the corresponding back shoulder and, putting wrong sides together, hang on top, pull the Back stitches through, knit a semi-loose row and chain it off – don’t go real loose here because you want that row to stabilize the shoulder.
outside seam - uggghh!
redone, much better!
Then, without thinking it through, I hung the armhole, wrong side facing, going for that outside seam again. This looks kind of bunchy here but remember this is cotton that shrinks quite a bit, and I’m allowing for that, based on my swatch numbers. Hung the open stitches of the sleeve cap and completed that seam. Yikes! not sure I like this with the mixed tan and navy edges. Experience tells me to bite the bullet and take it out. Sometimes I might try to convince myself it will look better after the wash and yes, a lot of things do, but this one won’t change – it’s like the edge of that first pocket!
Good thing I know how to rehang open stitches!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely. I like the mixed color of the sleeve seaming. I would leave it but of course I won’t be the one wearing it. It’s going to be pretty whichever way you make it.
