Thursday, October 24, 2019

changing it up a bit...

There I was, threading up a black and white yarn for another pair of socks, thinking, what size should I be making these? The last few pairs have coincidentally been my size and even though I’d love a pair of black and white, one can only use so many pairs… and it dawned on me. My 12-year-old granddaughter, Rhiana, is currently going through a black and white phase. I saw a pair of black and white houndstooth check leggings  the other day and picked them up for her. Her brother Nathan told me she hadn’t taken them off for four days! I looked at my ‘cone’ of sock yarn and deliberated - this is a single 100g skein - a small pair of socks for her would be a bit of a waste – oh, wait a minute she might like knee socks…
Oh, these are pretty cute! This colourway was called ‘zebra’. I hope they fit!

Another thought – my sock-machine knitter friend Julie mentioned she was going to a ‘crank-in’ (a sock machine gathering/symposium) and she was taking sock yarn scraps to sell – and since then I’ve been wondering what I can do with all my little leftover bits. I did once make a circular scarf [ ] of leftovers but I have a considerable amount again. I could make some ‘at-home’ knee socks…

1 comment:

  1. I have so many scraps that I decided to make vests with them. I knit the fronts and backs sideways on my flatbed and the collar/front binding is knit in one continuous tubular piece on the sock machine.the yarn knitted sideways makes an almost Ikat looking fabric. I choose color families such as mostly purple or mostly blue, and it is amazing how harmonious different patterns become when knitted side by side.I tried to send you a picture, but wasn't able to in the comment box.
    Linda in Brown County,Indiana
