Tuesday, December 31, 2019

things I never told ya...

Reading socks - that’s what the millennials told me they are really called! And they were thrilled to get them! I know I love mine! Even made myself a second pair, using red, gray and black, sort of to match my ‘Lipstick and Smoke’ because I wear that a lot, just hanging around in the evenings. Someone had mentioned using lycra added to the ribbing and I thought, ‘oh I could try that’…DO NOT! What happens is the lycra shortens up the rows instead of the width and you end up with falling-down-socks. Even after washing, it was worse. Wore them a few times, still loved them and decided they needed a fix up.
Heh, heh, heh! I can graft with the best of them! I knit the new cuffs and took them off on waste yarn. Removed the non-working cuffs from the circular socks, rehung half and put on waste and then the second half. Grafted the cuff in place and seamed the cuff – good as new but better – I made the new cuff 30 rows instead of the original 25. They stay up beautifully! Here’s a tip – don’t throw away mistakes – save the evidence to remind yourself! Actually, after seeing the cuffs go wide like that, I remembered using the lycra for something like this before and it happened then too. I have now thrown away the remaining cone of lycra so I won’t be tempted to use it again next time I forget!
That pullover I was making for manfriend – on Boxing Day, I carefully rehung the neckline, was able to salvage it without having to re-knit anything except the neckband. Finished it off and gave it to him. Held my breath as he jammed his arms into it and yanked it over his head, just like a man who doesn't realize that maybe being a little careful might be a good thing... ah! it worked so smoothly, didn't even need an additional tug! He's happy, I'm happy, it looks good and fits exactly like I wanted and all is well!
Note to self, quit being such a drama queen!
Happy New Year to all! Talk to you next year!
P.S. Been watching ‘Project Runway’ – just love that Chrisitian Siriano – not necessarily his designs, just love his attitude and advice and he`s so cute! Apparently he has a line of ready-to-wear coming out in J. Jill in the New Year. I’m excited to see it!
P.S.S. Hope to see you in Pigeon Forge! They’ve (Tennessee Valley Machine Knitters – google them) asked me back – I promised a whole new/different two-day program from last year! It’s March 21, 22, 2020!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you as well.

    I read about your lycra issues and I admit I laughed, Same happened to me and not the easiest to knit, kept breaking on me. The cone I had went into the circular file as well.

    Wishing you both all the best in 2020!
