Tuesday, May 19, 2020

saving grace...

I’ll be honest here. I was hoping to make two tanks from this olive garden yarn, and I did. I started off to make for Agnieszka and in the back of my mind, the second one would be mine. Here’s what actually happened. I did make a swatch, I showed you! But in my excitement, of course I didn’t let it rest enough. I finished the top and was pleased but thought, this will never fit her! It would be perfect for Rhiana though, a size down from the one I thought I planned. Oh well, no worries, I’m sure (not really) they’d like a mother/daughter combo or at least I figured Mom would. Not so certain about my 13 year old! Nothing ventured, nothing gained. In for a penny, in for a pound. No guts, no glory. You know what I mean!
Used the automatic picot hem, #3, from Knitting on the EDGE by MAO, the orange book, http://www.knitwords.com/bookstore.html did the A- line shaping from the original black tank, cut in the back armhole to make it more

summery and edged the armhole with #23, ewrap on vertical edge from 50 Ways To Love Your Knitter (the green book) by the same – I haven’t used that one in ages and oh my! impressed myself all over again how well it works. It has the look of that crabby-stitch crochet thing but done on the machine and doesn’t take all day and all night to do it! The auto picot hem worked beautifully for the neckline – no reduction in the number of stitches because of the width of tuck patterning in the body but you need to add an RTR (remove, turn, rehang) in there after hanging the beginning row (only for the neck, not the bottom hem) because there is a right side and wrong side to the band.

Quick knits, both of them in one day!
Look at those beautiful, weird little argyles! If you could only get that all-over!

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