Saturday, July 4, 2020

getting my money's worth...

out of that 8-stitch repeat envelope!
I found another trim that is an 8 stitch repeat! #34 in Band Practise, the pink book. It’s got a double-stranded chained cast-on with a picot knot, corresponding with a hand-transferred lace scallop.
Let me start again. My next top is for Thunder Bay sister, Bridget, and with the success of Marnie’s (ivory 1RT with short sleeve) I’m feeling more confident going into a larger size so using the 1RT technique again and I want a hem that will complement that, be wide enough for the tuck fabric, add a little jazz to the top and keep me busy!
Gather up the swatches and debate with myself what will look best – so glad I have all these samples – much nicer than looking at the photos!
Happy 4th, eh?


  1. Looks like you picked the one I would use, the pink one, second from top. Hope your Canada was uneventful and happy.
