Friday, January 21, 2022

jibber jabber...

You’re probably thinking that after all those ‘mistakes’, I’d either abandon the rose hoodie or re-knit it. Now don’t get all judgy on me! I just kept on going, figuring that my impeccable finishing techniques would save the day.

Being extra careful, things went well. Bands, buttonholes, all the putting together, no problems. All was done! Thought it looked pretty fine. I was going to post it off to Dee without buttons – she said she had some, but I couldn’t resist. How could I tell just how good it really was without giving it a good try-on? ;)  I sewed on suitable buttons that I’ve had for eons - she can change if them if she doen't like 'em! Wow! looks pretty good, fits nice, and, as often happens, the colour has grown on me! After wearing it for the better part of an afternoon though, I decided the hem needed some extra attention. On the back especially, likely because of the shortrowed curve, it seemed to be curling up slightly. 

In Band Practise, there is a trim called Baton Rouge (#4) which I’ve used on several garments, both mid and standard gauge and, on the bottom of it there is a tip that says “Add this step any time to add extra weight to edge. Hanging the other way, adding another row and cast-off also counteracts curling edges.”

The hem used already was the same as I did on my original lace, button-front hoodie, just like on Me-Cozy, an ewrap, K1R, loose row and chain cast off.

What I did:  Purl side facing, hang the cast-off chain, picking up both sides of chain.

Manually knit very loose row (main stockinette tension here was already T9) – don’t break yarn - and chain off, taking last stitch to opposite end of needle bed.

Turn piece to hang knit side facing, again hanging both sides of the chain-off.

T9, K1R.  Manually knit very loose row and chain off, ending by pulling tail through last loop.

Beautiful! There is so much happening on the garment, with the complicated-looking large stitch pattern, the pockets, the front bands and hem, I defy anyone to say there’s anything wrong with this!



  1. I love it! I enlarged the picture and the fine detail and stitch pattern are beautiful.
