Monday, April 3, 2023


You wouldn’t know this, but this is my 600th blogpost! And, in only 15 years! My first post was in April of 2008. Wow! Kind of impressed myself!

Updating a bit, I did finish off the red/black tuck tunic that I was using at the seminar to demo seaming. I'm calling it Tennessee Tunic. Love it!

Back at the seminar in Pigeon Forge, near the end of the day, I was preparing for the big finale and demo-ing these fabulous buttonholes in a chain-stitch edge front band, like for a cardigan, and as Murphy would have it, just before the most significant part, every thing fell off the machine. There wasn’t enough time to re-do it and I’ve felt bad ever since. Here’s another ‘never’ for me - a video! I hate the sound of my own voice and always said no, won’t happen. Anyway, son, Derek, lent his hand-held camera; grandson, Nate, came over to operate it and we put this video together. He also took care of the technical bits like editing and getting it to a place where I could send you the link. Hope you appreciate it! Sorry about the few frames of the back of my hand and arm in the way, but I think Nate did an amazing job, despite not knowing what the heck I was doing! We had fun, though I assured him this is not the start of a new career for me! Then he took it home and stitched it together, making about 15 minutes of what was missed from the seminar. The video starts after row 5 of the buttonhole band.

For those who weren’t there, I’ve given you the link here to a pdf of my handout :

- I would recommend that you print it out, read it over and then watch the video - don’t forget your popcorn!


  1. Oh thank you so much Mary Ann. Love your blog and the video is fantastic. Now I can do that thanks to your video. Really enjoyed and appreciated it. Sharon McCarty

  2. Wow. 600 blogs. That is amazing and something to celebrate!! Congratulations. Sharon

  3. Congratulations on continuous Blogging since 2008. Great content added with recent YouTube on Buttonband

  4. Thank you Mary Ann. I was at the Seminar and I learned so much but mostly I was inspired to try new things

  5. WOW! 600 blogs! How helpful you have been for us! I love your Tennessee Tunic. So glad to see it finished. I finally was able to watch the video. Great job! How nice to have it so I can watch it again whenever I need to at my convenience!! Thanks for your hard work. It is very much appreciated. Janet D.
