Saturday, July 1, 2023

second nature...

Like riding a bike! It just all comes back! :) maybe I’m bragging but it feels good! I’m talking about socks!

Made pizza dough and I kinda thought something was off but kept on going. Realized the next day that I forgot to put double oh flour – just used all bread flour! Not a big deal but I have that recipe in my head – like  five ingredients and I’ve been making it at least couple of times a month for the past six or seven years so when it came to the sox recipe, I was a little leery. You could say there’s a few more than  five ingredients, from the manual wrap cast-on for 2X2 rib to using the shadow lace transfer tool (a.k.a. ‘jaws’) to change into circular knitting, shortrowing the heel and back to circular, etc. and the toe business, I didn’t miss a beat! Even through I had my sock cheat sheet right there, I didn’t have to look at it once!

My very good friend Cathy, has four sisters, just like me (‘cept I’ve got a bunch of brothers too). Anyway, we go back a long way and I know all the girls but haven’t seen them all in a while. Cathy mentioned that Lori was coming to town and they were all excited to have a family reunion and I weaseled an invite! And then I thought, gosh, I’m going to make them each a pair of socks, hoping it would make up for horning in on the family gathering.

My friend Eloise from Tennessee had gifted me a couple of bags of sock yarn back in March so I was looking at it as paying it forward – the sisters were quite pleased and grateful that I had such good friends!

Can still knock off a pair in just under an hour!

Happy Canada Day, eh?


  1. Beautiful socks!

  2. I never thought of using the "jaws" to change into circular knitting. I do use the decker combs on my Passap. Now I can knit socks on the brother machine!
    Rita in Raleigh, NC

  3. One of my favorite things to make on my KH930. I don't know that I can make a pair from start to finish in 1 hour. Takes me more like 2 hours. Yours are beautiful.
    Happy 4th of July!
