I’m back in the office, been away for 6 days and returned to a huge stack of mail. Renewals - thanks for keeping me here! Now, don’t take this the wrong way - a special thanks to you who did NOT staple your cheque to the renewal notice. Another big thank you for NOT taping up the back corners of the envelope. A big debt of gratitude for the name change you told me about and for saying who you used to be, never mind the address...and of course, you who writes legibly, I love you!!
Now that I have that off my chest, as you can see, No 45 is here!! It’s always exciting when the new issue arrives, but for me, it really means a bunch more office work, but oh well, it pays the bills and someone has to do it...hopefully I can get back to knitting by the weekend.
The main reason I was away was to teach at the Cardiknits Academy in Hamilton - it was fun to see new and old faces and hear the comments - the biggest thing is always the same - ‘the garments look so much nicer when we can see them/oh, I didn’t like that in the magazine, but it is fabulous in real life/oh, now that I see the actual garment, I want to make it’...and my response? Well they should look nicer compared to a flat one-dimensional photo - get real!
My family loved the shopping bags, it was pretty cool to know that I even got the colours right!
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