Just got these photos done and the pattern finished - the pdf’s will be sent out to current Pattern-of -the-Month subscribers tomorrow - this is the pattern for February and I’m so pleased with it! You can click on the image and enlarge it for a close-up of the details. There have been oohs and ahhhs from everyone who has see the actual garments so far, whether they are knitters or not!
The pattern has both Silver Reed and Brother, electronic and 24 st punchcard versions with 5 sizes (finished bust of 36, 39, 42.5, 46, 49 in.)
The accompanying article has notes on lace knitting, putting together on machine, manual tuck for the edging and a few notes. If you’d like to purchase the new series, get it at www.knitwords.com
So pretty!
ReplyDeleteThat's gorgeous, and I have the perfect yarn....but no lace carriage :(