Wednesday, May 20, 2015

cover story...

The San Diego seminar was fun! I showed them a blast from the past and my latest and newest.
I had a brand new denim lace hoodie to show, that I hadn't even mentioned to anyone or blogged about - I explained to the group that it was sometimes difficult to get a decent picture because I live alone and even if someone capable of taking a picture comes by, I may not always be having a good hair day but after seeing the photos posted on the guild website, I probably won't be so picky. The assigned-photo-taker asked me ahead of time if it was okay to take photos that she would post on their website and I said alright, so long as you don't put up a whole lot of me gesturing wildy, with my mouth open and eyes closed - man, I never knew I was so un-photogenic! But there's the proof - fortunately, I'm over it or I wouldn't be telling you how bad they are, but, you'll notice, I didn't give you the link - you'll just have to google it or take my word. If you do find them, there is a nice one of me and my friend Kay, aka Grace who came all the way from NY to see me - we are both modelling our RTR Lace Cardis - hers in a  beautiful deep pink colour and she even made a plain matching shell to wear with it - nice work, Kay!

When I was packing my seminar suitcase, I picked up an old sweater, one that I particularly loved (still do)and actually still wear on a summer night, out on my deck - and thought, what the hay? I'll take this - one of the topics I was supposed to be teaching was 'summer knits' and I figured this would fit right in. Now, the rest of the story - way back in 1994, my first design ever to grace the cover of an international machine knitting magazine - It was the last issue of 'The Carriage Trade' - new owners had just purchased the magazine from the founding editor, Ruth Johnson (who was retiring with good grace) and introduced a new and improved layout with a full colour cover with a real, live model for the first time! Next issue, they renamed it 'Canada's Fashion Machine'. Anyway, I was thrilled to have my design chosen as the cover garment. It was called 'Cotton Tuck Lace Rib Pullover' and that mouthful about said it all - it was a double bed, tuck lace (needles out of work that aided in the larger holes) a rib stitch (every  8th stitch on rib bed)  and a 4-row tuck stitch on main bed, with two empty needles either side of the tucked stitch - I always liked the fabric because it was light and airy and I meant use it again somewhere - now might be a good time - watch for it!
Manfriend Hoodie and Girlfriend Hoodie pattern almost ready...

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