I'm excited! I found some non-wool sock yarn (Berroco Comfort Sock), multi-coloured (which is, I think, why I love socks so much - I can use colours I would never normally touch) at a really decent price - under $10 Canadian -that's probably only $5 in US$ right now- for the large 3.5 oz ball. I'll let you know how this works out!
Back to knitting the socks. I've finally realized that not all sock yarn is created equal! I had a full 100g/425m ball of 'Opal', made in Germany - the ocean-looking ones in the centre - I originally bought 2 balls of this one because I figured it would do well for male or female (I did make son Derek, a pair in the fall and he was so pleased with them!) and when I'm making socks, I plan by the size - these are ladies 8.5 so will do for girlfriend Cathy who prefers subdued colours and I know she doesn't read this regularly ;-). I've used 'Opal' before (love it but I can only find it in US yarn shops) and it is very nice, knits up at T6../8.. no problem and makes a nice sock that holds shape well. The red/royal/yellow (has Donna's name on) was from two 50g/210m balls of a Canadian brand 'DGB Confetti'-made in Italy - same for the brown/tan/blue (I forgot to put Manfriend birthday on the list - I usually just cook for him but since the manfriend hoodie he seems to think I should knit too!). I've had these (confetti) for a long time, can't remember why I haven't used them before...
The 'Nipigon nylon' version old-man-work sock ones are from 'Patons Kroy Socks' 50g/152m - what the? much heavier! These I knit at T7./9. because the yarn is even visually quite a bit thicker than the other sock yarns and gosh, didn't they turn out to be my exact size! ;-)
BTW, I save the ball labels and make notes on the back - what size, any changes, etc so I know for the next time.
I have another admission to make...the toe of the sock - a while back ('new way to graft...' Dec 05/09), I confessed that my eyesight/hand co-ordination was causing trouble for me for grafting the toe and I figured out how to graft it on the machine - much better, no dropped or missed stitches - well, now I've decided who cares about a row of purls at the toe? At the end of the sock, I transfer all stitches up and do that grafting stitch by hand - saves taking it off on waste, turning it inside out and rehanging - works for me!
PS - My circular sock pattern is on my website (www.knitwords.com) under FREEBIES – as a free pdf – I call them ‘Warmup Socks’ because I used to make a pair as a warm-up for me on the ribber before tackling a ribber project if I hadn’t done any double bed stuff for a while!
PPS - If you put ‘socks’ into the SEARCH at the top of my blog page, it will bring up a lot of these references, plus others! Just for fun, I put ‘warm’ into the SEARCH – it was entertaining!!
You used up all your stash! Wow, if only I could say the same after 4 pairs. Guess I will have to knit more....