Friday, March 11, 2016

easy peasy...

Building on the Oxymoron scarf, I thought, 'this next [scarf] one is going to be so easy, it'll be like cheating because I'm just going to do English Rib in pattern...'
side facing/right side
'Fine Tuned' KW#38
I already have it all figured out - the cast-on and cast-off work, using the same yarn, blah-blah, blah. I did make a quick little swatch just to be sure I had the English-rib-in-pattern part down pat - I've done it many times before - the main bed is set to tuck, you program in your stitch pattern and Bob's your uncle (see KW#38, 'Double Talk - Exploring English Rib in Pattern'). 
I get this aqua swatch off the machine and, hey! that's cool! The pattern shows up on the back side of the work...I don't remember that happening before, but this is good, nicer than I expected!
When I went back to the machine, to begin knitting the actual red scarf, after casting on waste yarn, I went to switch to circular for the ravel cord, knit one row and then realized that I got a row of tuck loops on the rib bed. Fudge! uh-oh! dawns on me, I knit that swatch with the tuck on the rib bed, Ah-ha! That's why the pattern is showing on both sides! This is what separates a new design from a mistake! - so long as you know what you did and can redo it, it's a new design feature!
side away/wrong side
Well, I have been knitting since the last scarf and the last thing I was doing was the TLR cardi for my sister and I obviously forgot the ribber was set to tuck on every other row - on my Silver Reed it's an easy thing to overlook and something I don't always  check because I usually set it back to normal at the end of each piece - yes, I could keep coming up with excuses, but I'll just call this a happy mistake...
Then it dawns on me, I had both part buttons/set levers down for the swatch so it wasn't tucking on the ribber anyway...arrgh-h-h! forget what I just said about a new design...this aqua yarn just has amazing stitch definition! LOL! ;-)

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