Wednesday, March 16, 2016

plan B...

As I was knitting on this TLR cardi (watercolour WCD) I knew that it was going to be tight finishing up without running out of yarn. In the back of my mind, I was telling myself that it would look better anyway with a solid-coloured front band - because of the stripey-ness of the yarn, a stockinette band was going to look so much different from how the colours mixed in the tuck lace rib. Sure enough, by the time I was at the underarm of the second front (I made the sleeves first) I had to rewind that 5-inch mistake-filled back piece and that took me through the end of the last front. I weighed what I had left - 16g! not very much. I confidently knit the bands using midnight tweed WCD and attached them, still feeling good about the outcome. Pressed it lightly and kept patting it and holding it up in the mirror, trying to convince myself that it looked fine. I even squinted a bit...left it overnight, hoping it would look better in the morning - NOT! I removed the button band (8 rows times 2, plus folding row and cast-off row which shows on the outside of the garment) and weighed that - 8g!

Backup plan: with fingers crossed, re-knit the bands using the solid colour for the inside/facing - which won't show anyway - and use the watercolour for the outside/front side of the band. Ah! Complete, even the back neck band, with about 16 inches of yarn to spare! Redemption! I can hold my head up again!
One more item crossed off my to-do!

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