Monday, July 11, 2016


I'm halfway up the second front of this black battenburg GFH - I had to take it off the machine today to make a last minute birthday present - man socks, size 14 - there's no way I'd have a spare pair of these laying around! If you're keeping track, I did them using 38-0-38 ns and made the foot 160 rows before the toe shaping (from my original pattern which is a freebie at - the yarn is Lana Grossa pinto, the 'deal' one from my February on-line buy!
You know how I'm still naming my 'creations' (like it matters) and, as I've been slaving over this project (the black thing), I thought, I'm going to need to be buried in this thing to get my use out of it! But then, I know that's not going to happen because I've planned to be cremated and to burn this would be just such a total waste! So I'm going to will it to someone! I have a couple of nieces who are 20-30 years younger and it would likely fit as we are all the same height so they are good could be one of those things that the family talks about every time there's a reunion- 'who's going to get Auntie's Legacy?' ;-)

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