Wednesday, November 9, 2016

disaster averted...

I decided to knit a few pairs of socks while I was mulling over what I really wanted to get going on - I did find a few balls of Regia 4ply sock yarn that I bought by mail order back in the spring. They are the 100g balls that I prefer - I think I told you that I can get 3 pairs of ladies size 7 to 8.5 from 2 - 100g balls and I like that -instead of having a bunch of random leftovers that aren't enough for anything - this way, I feel like I'm really getting my money's worth!
So, I start off to  wind the sock yarn onto cones with my electric Silver Needles Cone Yarn Winder. Ouch! Trying to get going fast, I grab the winder off the shelf one-handed because my other hand has a couple of balls of yarn and a few cones, and, the thing off-balances and falls to the floor! My heart stops! OMG!!! Cursing myself, I abandon the yarn and cones to carefully pick up the injured winder. It looks fine, no cracks or breaks visible. Gently, I take it over to the table, plug it in, flip the switch and all that happens is an awful grinding and thumping noise, nothing moving on the exterior! I feel awful! How could I be so careless? so clumsy? so dumb?? Not only was this thing quite expensive, I think they are no longer available...what am I going to do? My son who is usually my go-to-guy for anything technical has just left town and won't be back for 3 weeks. I can use my manual winder, but it does take some time to hand bomb 100g.
I take a deep breath and get out my tool kit.  Remove a couple of screws.That didn't do it...take another look-see and find another likely one. Remove it and that does the trick! I can take off the top housing and what the??? There are two chains, one intricately wound (that spins the cone) and one that should zip back and forth down the leg (attached to the guide finger that holds the yarn) - it's off the rail - and drives the other one. It looks pretty simple compared to the top complicated one.
Now, don't get me wrong. I do think I am fairly mechanical - okay, I do admit I've never changed a flat tire, but it's because I've never had to! ;-)  
I do know a bit more than how to operate a screwdriver but this looks like something that MacGyver made up! I am tempted to just put it aside and wait for my guy to get back - I know he would have this up and winding in no time, likely better than it was, but I do love a challenge. At one point I did go on the internet and check - you can still get one but it's four hundred bucks U.S.!!!  What motivation! Two hours later, success!! I felt like I needed a third hand to hold this while I poked that and nudged this, all the while, praying that I could finally get that little thing in the thing that went around the other thing! Who knew that under that smooth exterior...
PS  I felt justified enough to place another sock yarn order! ;-)



  1. My message went wonky. Just making sure you knew The Silver Needles Winders are again available from the family of the man who developed them. Sending you a PM with details. Peg

  2. WAY TO GO, Mary Anne! Home fixed beats new price or waiting for someone else to make it work.
