Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Girlfriend Hoodie
Forgot to tell you something else – I think I mentioned hoodie back there but that may change too! Actually last year I made that ‘noodie’ https://knitwords.blogspot.com/2018/05/what-do-you-call-hoodless-hoodie.html – it started to be like my Girlfriend Hoodie

but I ran out of yarn – anyway, I wore that quite a bit, especially at Christmas time and it was great for looking good but you/I could still work in the kitchen – no bottom sleeve/snug cuff that can’t be easily pulled up, to get in the way! I liked the narrow bands for the hem of the body and it’s just a trifle longer that the GFH, so I’m aiming for that shape/body-wise here but wanted a long sleeve that I could roll up out of the way if I had to get my hands dirty, if you know what I mean! Am going with the sleeve from Tumbleweed (Knitwords #53) a little fitted, a little longer, with a slit at the bottom so it opens up to roll back easily to a 3/4 look, but the sleeve cap is done the same way as the GFH. Hope I didn’t lose you on all those little changes!

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