Thursday, March 19, 2020

home alone...

I have been for years, not only working from home, but living alone so it seems like I could give you some pointers – things that I’ve done and work for me whether I’m knitting, writing or just getting by!

1. Get dressed, not just in sweats or yoga pants! Make an effort, like you have a doctor’s appointment or maybe a date (says the girl who's been over-dressed for most every occasion of her life!)! 
2. Do your hair and makeup, even if you are not going anywhere or expecting company – you’ll feel better and that’s the key.
3. Work out – this is important, both for your mental well being but health-wise. Pick something you can and will stick to. I have a little mini home gym set up in my basement, hand weights, yoga mat, a 30-year-old Nordic Trak ski machine and several workout DVDs. Since January I’ve been using I have the basic set of rings and the 2 short stretch band/bungy cord things and three of her DVDs – not expensive or difficult but good stretching, balance and low/no impact workout. I try to do at least one 35 to 45-minute workout each day and I’m finding it easy and enjoyable. I like doing it about the same time, mid morning, works best for me – leave it till late afternoon and it’s too easy to say, ah! I’ll do it tomorrow…
4. Keep busy – have a quick plan for the day, not written in stone but at least a starting point, especially important when the weather is keeping you indoors. I almost always have a list of things to do and things I want to accomplish, and it makes it easier to fill the day.
5. Plan your meals – it’s easier to stick to a good diet. I always set the table for dinner and use the good stuff, nice serving dishes and tableware.
6. Treat yourself. I like to have fresh flowers, a small bouquet of white/pink alstroemeria are my favourite. They are like little lillies, pretty, inexpensive and always last about two good weeks or more. And if you don’t treat yourself, who will?
7. Be positive! Embrace the exclamation mark! Smile!
8. Stay connected. Face time or group text – that can be fun and last all day - with your social group or family, commiserate and joke!
9. Get outdoors when you can. Have a coffee break in the backyard or walk somewhere in the neighbourhood. I always like to have a destination, so whether it is walking to the post office, bank or library. I’m lucky to live where all these things are within a nice range but if you don’t, drive to a park and walk there!
10. Keep knitting – it is so rewarding to feel that sense of accomplishment, whether you’re making a scarf or just swatching…here’s me, contemplating knitting a tea cozy, NOT! but seriously, doing a little bit each day can relieve anxiety, boredom or whatever it is, you need to take your mind off troubles.

P.S.  Maybe I should explain that last one! My naturopath has me drinking nettle seed tea and she said to brew three cups and drink it through the day – she doesn’t mind it cold and I don’t really either but this morning, I brewed the 3 cups in a 4-cup measuring cup (no, don’t have a tea pot!), covered the top with plastic wrap and then wrapped it all up in a doubled tea towel and as I was unwrapping it for the second cup, still quite warm, the fleeting thought of a knitted tea cozy drifted through my brain. I quickly cancelled it out with the thought, you know you’ve totally lost it when…

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