Saturday, April 11, 2020

living on the edge...

I love what Vera said the other day in response to Two Faced
There are any number of youngsters in my family who would be pleased to have a top like this- so I'll attempt one’
After I finish this red one, I’ll get on that! Great idea!
Here’s the situation. I have two partial cones of red wool rayon. At a glance, they look the same but one is really old, the label says ‘geranium’ - it’s leftover from a suit I made for myself back in 2003 and the newer one is the real Silk City WCD, ‘red passion’ the remainder from my Canada, Eh?
Funny, they both weigh the same, 194g after allowing for the cone. The finished weight of the ivory Two Faced is 230g, so either is a little shy, but what the hay? Another challenge! My plan, narrow in the shoulder some more so it’s 15 cm as opposed to the 19 cm half width (B+C from the original schematic); use the older yarn for the hem and bands; stick with a high, round neck for the first front and plan on a wider, lower vee for the second one which should use less yarn, fingers crossed! I always think lace should use less yarn because of the holes but, really when you think about it, it's the same number of stitches , just transferred so you can't save yarn that way...
 FOBB (fear of being bored) makes me change up the stitch pattern yet again and yeah, it’s partly that extra challenge thing. I had to think really hard to get the repeats on this one – it’s an 18-stitch repeat and if the start isn’t correct, the outlined diamonds wouldn’t meet up after 20 rows and who wants to rip out hand-transferred lace? Ar-r-rg-g-h! Just in case you want to give it a shot for your niece or daughter-in-law, here’s the new chart – make the holes of row 2 at 55, 37, 19, 1, -0- 18, 36, 54…
Thanks to Sheila from Australia for sorting me on my DAK programming – she fixed the other file so we could knit-from-screen. Let me know if you want it!

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