Friday, February 12, 2021

jean jacket re-visited...

Don’t know about you but I’ve come to hate that term, ‘hunkered down’! I prefer to think of it as just getting on and doing what needs to be done. So, I’ve been sitting around, wasting time, putting in time, whatever, but I have been knitting!

A while ago (LOL! turns out it was like 4 years ago) I had a plan of knitting a lacy denim jacket

and after a bit too much research, that was abandoned.

Last week, after realizing I was cabled out, I started making a quick list of things to work on. Went through my knitted wardrobe, tried on several things and I remembered that recurring dream of denim and lace in a jean jacket style. Pulled out those old notes and swatches and just by chance, the RTR Lace Cardi was at hand. I really love that fabric which is a sideways knit combination of purl-st ridges and hand-transferred simple lace. My first thought was that I never really get to enjoy that stitch pattern because it is basically in the back of the cardigan and it dawned on me that using it again would give me those vertical lines I was looking for and still satisfy my need for a hands-on approach to knitting in general. Revised my design and it’s a go!

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