Tuesday, March 2, 2021

knitting knightmares...

 I woke up in the middle of the night, in a sweat, about attaching those sleeves! Yikes! Way too invested in nothing!

What happened was, the body was sideways knit, right? The top edge is picked up and the yoke knit up in stockinette. I did the Back Yoke first, shaped the neck and shoulders and took each shoulder off on waste yarn. Then, did the first half Front Yoke the same way, but at the top of the shoulder, I decided to go with that reverse seaming on the shoulder that I like so much - it’s easier so why not? You just hang the corresponding shoulder right now and cast off, done! no waste yarn, turning or rehanging! Did the second one, smoothed them out, admired my work and quit for the day. 

The sleeves were already knit, with shortrowed sleeve cap, taken off on waste (and/or garter bar) planning to use the open stitches to make the seam to join the sleeve to the body. Only thing, now, there is no way to hang the body/yokes flat to match the flat sleeve! No worries, I’ll figure it out later!

Right now, I have something more pressing to get to. Last month, I Netfllixed 'Wentworth', an Australian show about women in prison. Totally worthwhile, loved it but now I have to wait for the final season to be posted later this year! Aw! Hate when that happens! Strangely, I have become rather obsessed with a knit top I spotted in Season 5  (spoiler alert - when Frankie gets out). Maybe it caught my eye because, being set in prison, everyone was wearing those teal sweat suits (prisoners) or uniforms (guards/warden - now there's a nightmare!) and the sight of real clothing struck me, I guess. I quickly sketched it out on the back of an envelope to remind myself. When I went back to the computer and found it again for a closer look, I was thinking, who could I make this for? Not my style, but someone young...what do you know, it's granddaughter Rhiana's 14th birthday soon!

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