Friday, April 9, 2021

denim done...

I got the set-in sleeve seaming sorted. Seamed the underarm using that ‘franky’ seaming technique - I can see that becoming my go-to method! That turned the sleeve cap into a ‘circle’, so, to join it to the body, in sections, starting at one end of the machine, hanging as far as it could stretch, casting off that part and then hanging the next. Worked fine.

I had already decided the front bands would be stockinette with the chain-stitch in the fold line (Side Steps  and I thought the collar would look great with that too. Took me two trys to get it right, with the chain inserted between the angled ends, but looks good. I did a riff on that chain stitch added to the pocket edge 

I was putting off dealing with the pockets to be honest. Almost resorted to my back-up plan of closing up the pocket opening by grafting over the ravel cord opening - no one would notice, up then I wouldn't have pockets! I had been so pleased with myself, thinking this was going to be easy. Putting the opening (green line of ravel cord to hold the stitches) as I was constructing the body, thinking I'd just knit an inside patch for the actual pocket. Realized that wouldn't work for various reasons and then it finally dawned on me to just sew a bag pocket that I could hand sew the opening to the pocket opening and stitch the fold along the inside of the front band so it would be held in place and not sag below the bottom edge and still be totally useable, not showing on the outside in any way. It works! So happy!


  1. It is beautiful! Happy to see the yarn knit up.


  2. Is it still possible to purchase pdf issues? Specifically #34? I have 36-51 on CD.

    Thank you!

    Lynda Pearson
