That’s crochet, in case you were wondering! I'm crochet-impaired but I’ve got plenty of crochet-look trims, totally done on the machine, at my fingertips so, for me, a trim done on the machine is what I’m looking for.
By my definition, a trim/edging, here, is to finish off the open stitches, make sure it doesn’t roll back or up when you don’t want it to and for it to look good!
On the sleeve/ cuff edge, I chose one of my all-time favs, ‘XOXO, #33’ from my booklet, ‘Band Practise’. It uses every-other-needle manual tuck, with an RTR (remove, turn, rehang) to make a wider than stockinette band that doesn’t restrict the width of the cuff - I usually end up pushing up my sleeves to elbow-length and the extra width allows for that here. For the bottom hems, I went with that new-ish one, #154, 'Me-Cozy Variation' that I put on the pink one-row-tuck hoodie
I had almost forgot about it! ;)
My seaming, uses my Franky seaming method
Turned out very nice! I love that lace pattern.