Thursday, November 3, 2022

the neck's best...

 As I was whiling away the summer, I was thinking knitting. I have a few more long button-front lace hoodies in my head, but I did want to get finished with Salt and Pepper before starting a new project. I knew if I abandoned it incomplete, it would stay that way and I wasn’t going to do that! It’s not in my nature to quit unless I see no recourse or salvation.

After hearing from Margie about the Pigeon Forge re-boot, I was pretty excited! I had that bad collar still on S&P.  Tried it on again, same thing, felt like I was choking…took very deep breaths…and thought, well, too much fabric at back of neck so what if I shortened the depth of the centre back but still made the centre front the same  number of rows. Repinned it to reflect this and it seemed to work. Took a minute to weigh up the pros and cons of trying to salvage the collar, like ripping it back halfway and rehanging it. Gave myself a V-8 slap and said why would you try to do that? There’s plenty of yarn, what would you be trying to prove? re-knitting from the start would be quicker! And, look, now I have a photo to show what I did!

It took a short time to reknit the collar, get it attached, re-do the seaming - I was chastising myself for dragging it out so long. Patted myself on the back and went for my walk.

Options for another attempt at the collar – making a shadow-pleat version – not really liking this as I had envisioned the collar to be all gray and other than use a double strand of the gray tweed to beef up  for the shadow pleat, I thought would be to stiff and thick so ruled that out.  Could do the K6R, RTR, thing, using the garter bar to make reverse stitch lines. Yikes, MA, this is wool crepe deluxe at T6 and 180 sts wide…I doubt even you could do that now!

In the words of the old Project Runway’s inimitable Tim Gunn, make it work!

1 comment:

  1. I always love your work and your writing. It’s fun and inspirstional!
