Sunday, October 30, 2022

the truth...

Remember that photo  (the game plan post from May) of the finished pieces and me bragging I was going to enjoy the putting together? Well, normally, I’d just jump in and join the shoulders, attach the sleeves, yada, yada,  yada… but I took a day or two off and came back, looked at the photo and thought, well, those shoulders look quite narrow. Huh, it wasn’t that the shoulder was narrow, it was the neckline was too wide! What the haich was I thinking? I pinned the shoulders together, through the waste yarn and put it over my head. Yeah, very bad, too wide, neckline! The outside edge of the shoulder was in the right place.

Took another few days off. Came back, redrafted the neckline, ripped out the Back, down to the underarm so I’d know exactly where I was and reknit the Back. Did the same to the Front. Pinned the shoulders and tried it on, we’re good! Attached the sleeves, tried it on again, seems fine. Made the neckband, just a long rectangle, attached it on the machine. Pinned the bottom of the vee in pleats, tried it on and felt like I was choking…

By now, it was mid May and I thought, well, you aren’t going to be wearing that thing – long sleeve, tunic, high neck - any time soon…walk away, give it a rest!

Don’t get me wrong, I did a few things over the summer, like knit a couple of pairs of socks for gifts, and, I did make a new button band for my light blue mesh floral – it somehow got a red wine stain :) that wouldn’t come out ;( and as it was one of my favourites, thought it was worth the effort. And I did a few practise seaming experiments on S&P  to see which seaming method to use but I was happy to walk away again.


  1. I love seeing your creative designs and also reading about how you work through problems. At least you get back to the ones you put on the back burner. I have found some uncompleted items that have been just hiding (or being hidden) for 10 years!!
