Friday, August 7, 2020

i made a swa-a-at-ch....

Omigosh! It’s been ages since I did that! I’ve come to the end of my list of making tops for family and I have been feeling a bit left out. It’s time for one for me! My knitting friend Peg got me thinking about a tunic and I’ll admit, I’ve been trying those last ones on and seeing what shapes I like. And, that #10 band,Triangles of Lace from Knitting on the EDGE, that turned out to be a 20-stitch repeat that I didn’t do for Vickie’s tank is still niggling me. Wow! If you followed all that, wait to see what else I’m gonna tell ya! I need to do what I meant to back then, using that trim but changing the cast-on to a chained picot knot so that’s what I’m starting off with now. Search my stock of summer-weight yarns – not much there, but I did find 2 cones  of Silk Denim, a cotton/silk blend with a sort of gimp (not exactly smooth - in a strange, khaki, green-ish colour that was labeled olive which is likely why I ordered it but the yellowy cast to it kept putting me off . I dialed up the KNITWORDS index to do some research – know I’ve used this yarn before, but it turns out, mostly stockinette although it was used in Groovy, one of my favourite all-time jackets (cover of Knitwords #47) Because I want the extra width that the one-row-tuck provides, here’s me, swatching!

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