Sorry, I’ve been kind of busy, but thanks for coming back! I know I left you hanging on several projects I was working on and I do apologize....

I went over to Bill’s (our KNITWORDS photographer - he shared the cover of No 34 with me) this morning and got some photos re-taken for my newest project, a couple of sideways knits that I’m doing up the patterns for to have ready for Cleveland - you know, that hair and make-up thing still gets me!!! it is much easier working with models than being the model myself - actually I’m probably way more critical of my own photos than of anyone else, but oh well...
Things worked out and I had finished up the dream coat this past weekend - figured I’d give you a bit of a preview - too bad if you’re not coming to Cleveland and can’t see this for real, but I’m totally happy with how it turned out and I figured it would 'kick it up a notch' for the ribber workshop. It actually didn’t take that long to make, but I had to put it aside for the paying projects - this was just for fun!

The bottom has a border of the little lace motifs and the 3X2 cables and I made a chevron/yoke effect in the back and front with the cables, bordered by the lace motifs - if you click on the photo, it will enlarge to let you take a closer look - lots of things to remember and lots of stuff happening at one time, but I’m really pleased with the outcome - now I just need to get it to fade a bit!

Also, I did promise, way back in June, to show you my finished ‘woodstock’ version of ‘A-shirred’ - we had such a warm summer that I really didn’t get to wear it till now, almost forgot about it, but I brought it along to Bill’s to get a couple of shots to share with you - hope you like it, but I really can’t say it will matter if you don’t because I do and Bill loved it, so there ;-))!
Hey, I’m walking the half-marathon on Sunday morning - pray for no rain, please!