Just returned from the Denver
seminar – Hi to all my new readers! We had a fun time and they put on a great
potluck lunch - I always like seeing what people in different areas bring and I
usually call out for some recipes – the desserts were awesome – Hey Ellen, I’m waiting
for the blueberry/oatmeal recipe!
I almost finished up that
ivory thing - without the sleeves – couldn’t decide what I wanted but thought I’d
take it with me and bounce around a few ideas – they really liked it and while
I was knitting, I tossed out a few names, like ‘meringue’ and ‘cream confection’
but they thought it looked like a vintage lace sampler so I’m now thinking ‘Vintage’
or ‘Antique’. I had a back-up plan in case the various shades of cream
didn’t work – back in the day, when it was very hard to get a nude-coloured
bra, I would soak a white one in strong tea, and it would come out a nice
skin-tone but everyone agreed that all the shades were fine just the way they
I’ll do a elbow length sleeve
with an open part at the top - maybe like ‘Lulu’ (No 43) or ‘Best Bib ‘n Tucker’
(No 46) or a combo of the two ideas – you see that on lots of things lately and
I’ll experiment a bit first. I’ll make sure and post a final photo, wearing it,
so you can see how light and airy it really is.
Happy Mother’s Day!