I’ve been working on my next KS project on my LK150 mid
gauge – it’s a hand-selected stitch pattern (tell you more about
that another time) and I usually like to break it up
with something else, like some other project on my standard gauge machine but
was having a hard time settling on what I wanted to do next. Some upcoming
birthdays sent me to my LYS for some sock yarns – didn’t find anything too
exciting – settled on a ‘safe’-looking, denimy-shades, 100g/448m ball of King
Cole ‘Zig Zag’ – it’s a 50% superwash wool, 50% nylon combo that I thought may
be better wearing because of the higher nylon content. It’s a bit finer than
what I have been using lately (Schafpate Opal, 425m/100g) so I went down a dot
on the stitch size on each bed. While I was in sock mode, I reknit a few pairs
that have been holed-up, (get it?) waiting
for new feet and it reminded me of an email I had last week. My friend Peg, who admits to being a hand-knit sock snob
of the past, recently completed her first pair of my ‘warm up socks’ and after
getting over the heel shortrowing, told
me she really liked them, especially the snugging up of the cuff as you get
closer to the heel. And she was getting over her issues with the seam in the
rib thing as ‘it sure is sweet to have a
pair of socks in less than a day!’
But now she is asking me if I’ve ever tried the slip
stitch heel in machine knitting... I replied, ‘I don't really know what a slip
stitch heel is - is it kind of 1X1 slip on the heel area, only to perhaps
thicken or re-enforce the heel? if so, I wouldn't bother - I find the biggest
problem where these socks wear out first is in the toe area - just my personal
experience... so I save the ribbed cuff and re-knit the entire foot’ (see blog,
Happy Feet, Apr 14/09).
Peg confirmed my take on the slip stitch heel and promised she’d get
over that too!
Just wanted to add a bit to that – I hang the back of the sock, placing
the seam at 0 on the main bed, working out to 18-0-18 ns and then hang the
front bed – the time you save on doing the easy part on the main bed makes up for
no time saved trying to do the rib bed deal first and at least you know where
the end sts on each bed go…
Sidebar – Last week I got my first order to what I think of as the only
famous zip code – the only one I know anyway – 90210 – yes, it is Beverley
Hills, CA. (Paypal said it was a confirmed address!) When I took the package to
the post office in Grand Portage, MN, I pointed it out to Mary, the postmistress
- she laughed and said, huh! I thought that was fictional!