Saturday, February 3, 2024

good memory…

but it’s short!

Love the look of the swatch - going with the T9 option. Examining the chain and picot knots in the hem, I decided it needed a bit of beefing up so used three strands for the chain, without really thinking it through but you know how I am when I get going! Threaded up and knit the first row…halfway across, I knew I was in trouble! Rats, crap and goop!! The yarn broke several times - couldn’t handle going over the picot knots! Gosh, darn! Why didn’t I know that? 

Ha! My younger self did!

If I could only remember to read my own stories!

Handknit the first row after the picot knots…

The shaded tones here make it a little hard to see and I found it helped to put a yarn mark on row 4,  on the centre needles for the bottom of the tuck rib to prevent unladdering too far. The tuck rib doesn’t show up that much but it does help to widen out the hem so it’s worth doing…

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